Arlington Mowing Pros


Are you looking for a company that provides high-quality mowing and landscaping services in Arlington? Look no further than Arlington Mowing Pros! We’ve been serving the Arlington area for many years and our team is dedicated to providing great mowing and landscaping services. We understand the importance of maintaining the beauty of your home and landscape and we’re here to help make that happen. When you need your flowerbeds cleaned and cleared, piles of leaves removed from your landscape, mulching, or shrubs trimmed, we’re up for the job! When you’re feeling overwhelmed, call us and we’ll take the burden off your shoulders!

Flowerbed, Leaf Cleanup, Mulching & Shrub Trimming in Arlington, TX

Doing yard work by yourself or asking your family to help out in the evenings or on the weekends may seem like the most straightforward option, but in reality, it probably isn’t. After a long day or a long week of work or school, you likely want to spend that time relaxing and not doing yard work. If you take a minute to ask yourself whether you want to wake up early on the weekends or wake up with blisters and sore muscles, you’ll like say no to all accounts. That’s completely understandable. Rather than trying to do arduous yard work by yourself, consider calling us instead! Arlington Mowing Pros will take the burden of unpleasant yard work off your hands and complete it quickly at a fantastic price!

When you find yourself looking for a company that can transform an unruly and messy landscape into a tidy and lovely space, you should call us at Arlington Mowing Pros! From standard mowing to flowerbed cleanup to leaf cleanup to mulching to shrub trimming, we’ve got your back! Our team of certified contractors is knowledgable and fully trained in all of the services we offer and the most up to date equipment and safety practices to guarantee that all of our jobs are done precisely, carefully, and professionally.

Our Services

Arlington Mowing Pros offers numerous types of mowing and landscaping services to best fit everyone’s needs and budgets. Our experienced crew of contractors is trained in all the best safety practices and most up to date equipment and machinery. With Arlington Mowing Pros by your side, you can rest easy knowing any and all of the services you need will be completed accurately at an unbeatable price! Our list of services includes:

Flowerbed Cleanup

Ensuring that your flowerbeds remain clean and clear is a crucial aspect of maintaining your landscape. When your flowerbeds and gardens become overgrown with weeds, the plants you are trying to grow will suffer. Weeds steal vital nutrients from the other plants and may cause them to die or weaken. Pulling weeds can quickly turn into a huge task that takes a lot of time based on how long the flowerbeds and garden have been left to grow wildly.

Your full schedule may not allow you enough time to properly take care of and clean your flowerbeds. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you notice your flowerbeds start to look run-down and shabby. When you find yourself needing professional help cleaning and clearing your flowerbeds quickly and at a decent price, you should call Arlington Mowing Pros! We have a great crew who is ready to handle the biggest and messiest flowerbeds and transform them into a beautiful space!

Leaf Cleanup

Keeping your landscape free from leaves is an essential part of maintaining the beauty and health of your landscape. Let’s get real. Raking and removing leaves from your lawn can take forever and result in some serious blisters and sore muscles. Rather than subjecting yourself to that kind of pain, let Arlington Mowing Pros come and take care of it!

A thick blanket of leaves left on your lawn presents several threats to the overall health of your landscape. Leaves can trap too much moisture, resulting in an oversaturation of water, and they can block the amount of sunlight the turf below receives. Quite simply, you could end up with large patches of dead grass or even a whole yard of dead grass! That is an incredibly hard place to get back from, but with Arlington Mowing Pros on your team, you can rest easy knowing your grass will live a long and healthy life.


Putting in mulch is an inexpensive way to ensure your gardens, flowerbeds, and the rest of your landscape remains free of unwanted weeds. Mulch does more than simply hinder the growth of weeds, however. It also provides a lot of other environmentally and budget-friendly benefits, helping you save money in the future!

Besides being a cheap and effective preventative measure, mulch also provides benefits that greatly outweigh any initial cost. Mulch acts as a natural barrier to keep weeds from sprouting and taking necessary nutrients from your other plants. It also helps retain moisture so you have to water less and protects the soil from eroding in heavy rainfall. Mulch also regulates soil temperature and adds more organic matter and nutrients to the soil. Perhaps the best way to make your landscape healthier and more beautiful is simply mulching!

Shrub Trimming

A regular shrub trimming schedule is important for the health and beauty of your landscape. While shrubs are generally pretty small compared to a lot of other plants, they have a huge impact on your yard. Many people tend to avoid trimming their shrubs because they don’t know where to start or they’re afraid they’ll kill the plant. You are not alone, our team has encountered many people with the same concerns.

Typically, shrubs are planted right up against your house so it’s crucial to keep them trimmed for several reasons. You want to be able to see out of your windows, and when the shrubs get too big, they block your view. Keeping your shrubs regularly trimmed also guarantees they’ll receive enough air circulation and sunlight exposure so they can continue to grow. Maybe the most important reason for keeping your shrubs properly maintained is to discourage pests from taking up residence right next to your house. Unruly shrubs are a great place for pests to hide and sometimes they might just decide to move in with you! Before this happens, you should call Arlington Mowing Pros!

“I needed my shrubs trimmed but I didn’t know how to do it, so I called Arlington Mowing Pros. They trimmed all of my shrubs and made them look prettier than ever. I will definitely call them next time I need my shrubs trimmed!”

Sam S.

Arlington, TX

“We recently moved into a new house and the previous owner never raked the leaves on their yard. We attempted to rake the leaves ourselves and I ended up throwing my back out. While I was icing my back, I called Arlington Mowing Pros and they cleared the leaves in record time! Next Fall, I’m calling Arlington Mowing Pros first!”

Leon C.

Arlington, TX

“My garden and flowerbeds became too much for me to handle so I let them grow into an unmanageable mess. I decided that I wanted them to look nice again, but I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I called Arlington Mowing Pros and they cleared my flowerbeds and gave me tips on how to keep them clear of weeds.”

Teresa R

Arlington, TX

Why Hire Us?

Keeping up with proper landscape maintenance can quickly become a difficult task. Maintaining your landscape is an essential part of keeping it healthy and thriving. Arlington Mowing Pros is a proud provider of high-quality mowing and landscaping services. Unlike a lot of other companies, we offer our top-notch services at unbeatable prices.

While many other companies only offer regular mowing and landscaping services, Arlington Mowing Pros offer an extensive list of services to best fit every individual’s needs. Whether you need your flowerbeds cleaned, leaves cleared away, mulching services or shrubs trimmed, Arlington Mowing Pros has a team ready to tackle the job!

We’re a great company with a great team and some of the main reasons you should consider hiring us are:

  • We’re one of a kind: Our crew consists of skilled and competent contractors who use the safest practices and most up to date equipment.
  • We’re experienced: We’ve been in the business for a long time and, if we do say so ourselves, we have gotten really good at what we do.
  • We’re a local business: Supporting your local businesses is a great way to give back to the community.

We’re open and honest: We do not skirt around your questions and ignore your concerns. We answer all of your questions thoroughly and address any of your concerns.

The Bottom Line

At Arlington Mowing Pros you will be treated with the utmost respect and professional courtesy. Our team of skilled contractors will always keep the lines of communication open in every single interaction you have with us, whether it be in person, over the phone, or through email. Any questions or concerns you have will happily be answered and addressed by one of our experts. We love our Arlington community just as much as you do and it’s important to us to help keep it beautiful and healthy.

Our free estimates and quotes will give you peace of mind when it comes to any and all of your mowing and landscaping needs. You’ll be able to see the breakdown of our services and prices so you can ask any questions or voice any concerns you have. Arlington Mowing Pros offers fantastic services at bargain prices. Check out our reviews on Facebook, Yelp, and Google to find out how much people love working with us!